Working hard backstage at Vivienne Tam's NYFW Fall/Winter 2016 Presentation. All photos by Jharpphotography
I had the great pleasure of attending New York Fashion Week (NYFW) for my work as a writer this year*. It was an intense and incredible experience, and I loved (almost!) every moment of it. Fashion Week in any city is a glamorous undertaking, but it's no secret that the industry is also known to have a few ugly thorns. So if you're thinking about coming to Fashion Week one day, I've put together a small list of a few things you absolutely need to take with you to survive the week- and guess what. It won't even take up extra room in your suitcase. ;)
With designer Vivienne Tam- she was a pleasure to interview!
Seriously, I don't understand the mean girl attitude. The truly beautiful people know that treating everyone with dignity and respect is just the minimum. Call me old-fashioned, but beauty doesn't come in a tube of lipstick or in a red-bottom shoe. It comes from a genuine belief in uplifting others. Kindness is a vital human virtue, and it doesn't fade, age, or go out of style- ever. So with that said, yes, you can sit with me!
Confidence sure is a standout quality.
Any confident and mature woman knows that "women empower, girls compete". When a woman is secure, she feels no need to bring people down, or to make anyone feel small, because she is so filled with her own self-love and assurance that she spreads it around without feeling threatened. That, and you can truly appreciate fashion week because you're spending your time admiring other women's outfits instead of 'hating' on them. And my personal theory? All the good things that are meant for you are already destined for YOU- no one can take that away. There is room for everyone to thrive, so let's do less competing/hating and more helping/collaborating.
Backstage admiring pieces from Vivienne Tam's Fall/Winter 16 collection
Contrary to popular belief, fashion is not just a 'vanity' thing. To me, fashion is an art form. Many designers find creative ways to reinterpret and redefine concepts such as gender, femininity, culture, socio-cultural politics, and more, through fashion. If you keep your eyes and ears wide open, you'll find those gems.
Hard at work backstage at Monique Lhullier
Everyone wants the front row seats or VIP backstage passes at fashion week, but not everyone is willing to do the work to earn it. Leave your entitlement at home. The rewards of success are earned and deserved, not automatically given. So if you want to succeed in the fashion industry and truly be seen, then make sure to bring your work ethic (and humility!) with you. That means that if you're not at the seats you want to be at, then humble yourself and work for it instead of demanding for it.
Wearing my ethical jewelry collection from The RISE Collective and Rich Earth Jewelry at NYFW
The fashion industry may be known for its ability to create a fantasy world, showing us the things that we dream and aspire for, but in reality, it is one of the most socially and environmentally oppressive industries out there. The industry has a lot of work to do in treating its workers more humanely and in minimizing its catastrophic impact on the environment. If you're interested in fashion week, then you must be interested in either working in the industry or consuming the products of it. Either way, figuring out how you can impact the industry in a positive way (either by shopping more ethically or taking on a job that would help the industry advocate for change) is a crucial step to take.
Are you feeling more ready for Fashion Week/life in general now? I hope so! What would you bring with you to Fashion Week? I'd love to know your take on it. Leave a comment below, send me an email, or connect with me on social media at @RubyVeridiano to let me know! Thanks for reading xx